At Sinergy we believe that Corporate Social Responsibility should be part of the soul of our company. As members of a community, we are convinced that only by collaborating with it can we live in a more just world oriented toward sustainable development.
This is a vision that we share and defend as an organization and in which we intend to involve both our employees and our clients.
In our day-to-day life, our commitment to Society is expressed through two points:
- As a company we believe that we can collaborate and promote changes in the most disadvantaged societies so that they have a better future, and that is why we support different NGOs in Latin America in educational projects by distributing part of our annual profits for these causes.
- In our organization, environmental commitment is an obligation. We believe that the sum of small individual efforts has a global impact. At Sinergy we are aware of this and we have implemented processes that allow us to reduce consumption and optimize energy resources.
Among the initiatives that we have implemented are the use of recycled paper and digital media to prepare all our reports, and we have also minimized the consumption of electrical energy and other resources necessary to work and provide our services.